Are You Guilty?

No one is perfect and we all tend to be overly critical of our own bodies.  The truth is, it isn’t necessarily about your body, but rather choosing the clothes that best fit you.

Yes, you are guilty and it’s o.k. because once you are aware of what you’re doing wrong, they are all easy fixes.  Are you ready? 

#1 Not Dressing for Now

 You deserve to feel fabulous and look your best ever single day. Most of us would love to lose some weight or get in better shape, but the reality is waiting for some day will not serve you.

My mother was funny. She loved dressing up and is my inspiration. However, as she got older, she started saving clothing items for “good.”


My mom in her 60s

This pic was taking in London. When I saw her sitting on the beautiful red  lounge, I thought she looked stunning. 

I’m from the south, so if you aren’t familiar with the phrase, basically you hang something in your closet and wait for that special occasion or event before wearing it. She had this black blouse that was stretched out, hem was coming undone and was faded, but she refused to trade it in for the new, almost exact, black blouse I bought her to replace that ragtag, worn out blouse. She was saving it for “good.”

Stop waiting!

If your clothes are worn out, ill-fitting, outdated or just plain ugly. Girl, it’s time to go shopping.

It’s time to make an investment in yourself. How you dress affects so much about you including your mood, performance, attraction from the opposite sex, focus, negotiations and even how hard you work out. It’s true!

Personally, when I have a new workout outfit, I can’t wait to get to the gym. I want to embody what my clothes say about me, that I’m fit, strong and in shape.

 Don’t believe me?  Check out this article 10 Unexpected Ways Your Clothes Can Change Your Mood.

Would you like some outfit ideas?  I’ve pulled together some basic looks in my free download “Shop Your Closet Guide”  

#2 Not Setting a Good Foundation

Are you one of “those” people who replaces your underwear every ten years or so?  Seriously, you need to go clean out your underwear drawer today!  I’m waiting……

Throw out the torn, stretched out, stained and ones you don’t wear. Now to find the styles you like, that fit and you will wear.

A pet peeve of mine is visible panty lines (VPL).  Just don’t! There are plenty of brands that have whatever style you like in the “no show” category.

If I’m worried about VPL, I opt for a thong.

Thongs aren’t for everyone and I get it. If the bikini cut is more you, then be sure to grab a multi-pack of the Altheanray seamless no show underwear.

If you like a bit more coverage, then these Calvin Klein Briefs come in a three-pack.

More Foundation – the Bra

Your lower half is covered, now for the girls.  Do you have boob spillage? Is your bra causing back fat bulges?

No matter how cute the blouse, if your bra isn’t the right size, then it isn’t going to lay right or look right.

Time to find out your real size. A bra fitting is crucial and many places offer the service for free. True story, I walked into Dillard’s and asked for a fitting. The expert guessed my size before I even tried on the first bra. She had 30 years of experience and knew her stuff. You can probably guess, but I had been wearing the wrong size for years.

JC Penny, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Soma are just a few places you can find a bra expert. If those aren’t local to you, then call ahead to your favorite stores and find out if they offer the service.

If you’d prefer to do something in the comfort of your home, you can opt for an online fitting such as Levana Bratique  or Victoria’s Secret.

#3 Wearing Oversized clothing

Whether you call it a muumuu, housecoat, shift or tent, it is a fashion NO! Wearing oversized clothes will not get you the desired look you want. You think hiding trouble areas is easier when you throw on something big, but what you really want is balance and to dress for your body shape.

The hourglass figure is the ideal, but fortunately, few of us have the ideal body.

Personally, I’m a short waist straight. No lie, my ex-husband once told me I didn’t have a waist….I guess he was right.

I’m not a large person, but let me show you what I mean.  Loose and blousy on top along with something loose and non form-fitting on bottom and what do you get? A blob! I look like a blob, there is no shape, no form.

Let’s compare the blob look to something that creates more of an illusion of a shape with the waist defined.

Here I’ve worn it two ways in case you don’t don’t want your arms exposed, throw on a cute jacket.

And yes, that’s my dog, Sophie, the photo bomber. 

The camisole and skirt are both found at Target. The shoes are  Michael Kors. They are my absolute favorites and go with everything.

#4 Wearing Clothes that are Too Tight

Same goes – too big or too tight, either way, it’s a no! Clothing that’s too tight will not, I repeat NOT, make you look smaller. Try not to focus on the size or a number. I have three different sizes in my closet and they all fit. It is about finding clothing that fits, not too loose or too tight.

If you aren’t sure whether you are wearing the right size, take a friend shopping with you. Just remember to take that friend who isn’t going to say everything looks great on you. Sweet friend, but you need the honest friend who’ll help you find clothes that will make you look beautiful.

#5 Neglecting the Details

I am the accessory queen and feel that the right earrings, belt or jacket completes an outfit.

Don’t skip the completer piece and play around. I love throwing on my pearls with a casual t-shirt. A good jean jacket is always something that can go dressy or casual.

Heck, I even wear earrings when I go to the gym. It just makes me feel……..dressed.

Be like Mikey, try it, you’ll like it.  Did I just date myself?

Throw on a white t-shirt, a pair of jeans or a skirt, now add a completer piece.

Here I started with a basic white t-shirt and a pair of boot cut jeans and styled it three ways.

In the first version, I added a long strand of pearls along with my leopard pumps. In the middle pic, I went with a western theme and wore it with turquoise jewelry, a big buckled belt and pointy toed booties.

Lastly, I went a bit more tailored with a short jacket from Forever 21, black pumps and some blinged out jewelry (pumps and jewelry both from Black House White Market)

If you are ready to go shopping or want to work with what you already have in your closet, then sign up to receive my e-newsletter and download my free “Shop Your Closet Guide” that includes 9 outfits you can create from items you probably already own.

You know I’d love to hear about your fashion struggles or answer your style questions. Send me an email.

I promise I’m a real person and it will be me responding to your message.



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Hi! I'm Susanne, the creator of Susanne Suite Style. A blog for smart, fun and fit women who love fashion, travel, food, fitness and adventure. If you want to know more, check out my About page. Orrrr you can click on of icons below to join me there. 

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